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YouTube & Videos

YouTube Channel

This is where I give updates on my YouTube channel and videos I'm making.

New video: Google Presents 2023

Mar 15, 2023

Watch the video here.

According to my journal, the first piece of video that I finished making for this project was done on February 11. The script itself was started over winter break, so this video is anywhere from 1 to 3 months in the making depending on how lenient you are. Despite that, I don't know if I feel that it warranted that amount of time and effort. A lot of the footage and editing was shoddy, the audio mixing was obviously poor, and the acting from me saw little improvement from my unexpressive voiceovers in previous videos.

Some of that perspective is definitely due to the fact that I was the only person to be involved in this project, so everything in it has been seen by me a dozen times during filming and editing. Very few of the jokes that were in the video remained funny by the end. I wish the amount of work that I put into editing the video was more obviously apparent.

The thing that I hope people (including myself) can recognize from this video is this: I am capable of assembling large projects that require many different moving parts. You can't just make a video like this one overnight, or maybe even in a week (not by yourself, on a college schedule, at least). I think that proves that I'm at least focused and committed on making these projects.

That being said, I don't intend on working on a project like this for a while. The filming and prop-creating were neat ideas but ultimately I don't want to be making this type of video regularly. I want to scale back production to simpler formats and just hone in on improving in those simple forms. While quality is better than quantity for experienced creators, it's better to make a lot of small things in the creative field if you're trying to focus on improvement and variety.

Retrospective: A Year* of YouTube

Dec 28, 2022

*More like 9 months, but I suppose that means my YouTube channel's just been in the womb and is ready to be born soon. Actually, please don't think about that analogy.

I made seven (7) videos this year, and while that certainly isn't impressive to many people, it's a grand accomplishment for me. YouTube was always something I barely did and usually was just a way for me to relieve boredom during summer breaks or slow schoolyears. With this year, it feels like the tide has shifted. I certainly think that the quality of all of my videos varied this year, and while I'm not proud of all (or most) of them, I'm proud of the fact that they exist.

I only made public comments about one video previously, so I figured reminiscing about every "real" video I've made thus far would be a nice way to cap off the year and give birth to this page. Enjoy my very professional comments about my very professional videos:

Wow! That's a lot of words! Well, I'm glad this year ended up being so productive for me. In terms of next year, I'm already excited to show what I've got in store. There is one planned video in particular that I already think will be better than everything before it, guaranteed. I hope it's obvious which one it is, and I hope you enjoy it and other future videos, too.